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Do you want to receive exclusive promos and content?

We'll send you a selection of our best Online Marketing resources. You'll get also huge discounts for your Email Marketing Campaigns!


Thanks for subscribing!



Choose the Plan type and estimate its price by sliding the button, according to the number of Contacts, Emails or Credits you need.

Choose your currency and estimate the Plans prices
(values are approximated).



Per month

Do you need more Contacts? We advise you to hire a Plan by Emails.


  • 20% off
  • 5% off
  • 15% off
  • 25% off


Per month

Payment for 12 months US$1.028.738.839

Icon Arg Aplicado el 20% de descuento EXCLUSIVO PARA ARGENTINA POR 12 MESES Válido para planes de hasta 10.000 contactos
No acumulable con otras promociones

Values are approximated. The renewal is automatic and you can cancel it whenever you want. Plan price doesn’t include taxes.


Unlimited Emails up to
500 Contacts through 90 days



Per month

Do you need more Emails? Write to us.



Per month

Cost per email out of plan

Values are approximated. The renewal is automatic and you can cancel it whenever you want. Plan price doesn’t include taxes.


Unlimited Emails up to
500 Contacts through 90 days




Do you need more Credits? We advise you to hire a Plan by Emails.



Cost per email out of plan

Values are approximated. Plan price doesn’t include taxes.


Unlimited Emails up to
500 Contacts through 90 days

Solutions and Functionalities

All our plans include all our functionalities. Learn about everything you can do with Doppler!
  • Access to Doppler API.

    Access to the Doppler API:

    Access to the functionalities to be able to integrate them and work with them from any other software. See more.

  • Subscription Classic and Pop-up Forms.

    Classic and Pop-up Subscription Forms:

    Increase your Contact Lists and feed your Database with relevant information about your potential customers. See more.

  • Classic, Social and A/B Test Campaigns.

    Classic, Social and A/B Test Campaigns:

    Choose the one that best suits your goals and improve the results of your Campaigns. See more.

  • Email Automation by Activity, for E-commerce and more.

    Email Automation for E-commerce, by User Behavior and more:

    Save time and program your Campaigns with triggers by Behavior on your Site or Online Store, previous Campaigns, among others. See more.

  • SMS Campaigns.

    SMS Campaigns:

    Improve the results of your strategy with an omnichannel strategy that combines Email and SMS. Know more.

  • Push Notification.

    Push Notification:

    Send alerts or relevant information to visitors on your Website or Online Store. See more.

  • Advanced Reports on real-time.

    Advanced and real-time reports:

    Know the results of your Campaigns, Automated Flows and SMS minute by minute to optimize your strategy. See more.

  • Customer Support through multiple channels.

    Customer Service in Spanish and through multiple channels:

    You can contact a representative and solve your doubts whenever you need it. See more.

  • Integrations with other platforms.

    Integrations with other platforms:

    Integrate your account with your favorite applications and develop a 360° Marketing strategy. Know more.

  • Contact Policy.

    Contact Policy:

    Define the number of Campaigns that your Contacts will receive in a period of time to increase the effectiveness of your communication. Know more.

  • Stop Sending in progress.

    Stop Sending in progress:

    Suspend the sending of your Campaign momentarily or permanently if you need to make adjustments. See more.

  • WhatsApp button for Websites.

    WhatsApp Button for Websites:

    Add a floating button to redirect your Site visitors to WhatsApp, after they complete the Form. See more.

  • Emojis and Custom Fields in Subjects.

    Emojis and Custom Fields
    in Subjects:

    Customize your subjects to make them look more attractive, have identity and generate interest to your users. Know more.

  • Best practices in subjects Guide.

    Guide to good practices in Subjects:

    Improve the Opening Rate of your Campaigns based on Email Marketing standards. See more.

  • Integration with BigQuery and Data Analytics tools.

    Integration with BigQuery and Data Analytics tools:

    Cross information from different sources and generate Advanced Reports based on Big Data analysis. See more.

  • Google Looker Studio dashboard 100% customizable.

    100% customizable Google Looker Studio Dashboard:

    Sync your account with this free, easy-to-use tool for global metrics and easy sharing of results. See more.

  • Efficacy prediction in Subjects.
  • Most effective Subjects List.

    List of most effective Subjects:

    We provide options for the most effective Subjects in your account so you can get better results in Campaigns. Know more.

  • Smart Send Out at the best day and time for each Contact.

    Smart Sending on the best day and time for each Contact:

    Doppler takes into account the opening history of each Contact, and delivers the Email on the best day and time. Know more.

Here we show you only the main Features. Know in detail all the ones you can use!

SEE MORE arrow

Remember that you should not pay extra to use them. (Except for SMS).

    Specific functionalities Plan for Agencies (*)
    To the above are added:
  • Access to Client Manager dashboard to manage multiple accounts.

    Access to the Agencies panel to manage multiple accounts:

    Control all accounts in a simple and practical way from a single dashboard. See more.

  • Setting permission levels and accesses for each account.

    Configuration of permission levels and access for each account or client:

    Define what information each account can see.

  • Personalization with your own logo.

    Personalization with your
    company's logo :

    Create your account with your Agency's logo to give it more personality.

  • Advanced Reports about each client’s Campaigns.

    Advanced Reports on the performance of the Campaigns of each client:

    Access detailed Reports of the results of the Campaigns of each client separately.

  • Exclusive advice to manage the Client Manager.

    Exclusive advice for the management of the Agency panel:

    Receive attention from our representatives to learn how to manage multiple accounts.

FAQs about Plans

  • Which are the available payment methods?

    International credit card Visa, Mastercard or American Express; bank transfer from a minimum amount (for Argentina, Mexico and Colombia clients); credit card through Mercado Pago (for Argentina).

  • Plans are renew automatically?

    Yes, all Plans are automatically renewed whether you pay every month or in advance. Renewal takes place on the first day of the month.

  • How do I use a Promotional Code to purchase a Plan?

    Once you choose the Plan, selecting the Payment Method you'll see your purchase summary at the right side of the screen. There you can enter your Promo Code, if it is valid you'll see the discount applied to the purchase of the Plan.
    Promo Codes are not accumulative with prepayment discounts.